So as I Blogged of last Friday AM, things just clicked in my world late Thursday afternoon & it felt SOOO great! There was a smile on my soul nearly forgotten as of late.
Now I talk about Murphy a lot & a couple pals even dog me about it. Now don’t get me wrong! I don’t believe there’s some literal Irish demon that follows us around, making life miserable, well not exactly. Murphy has just become my expression of angst, how I refer to the way luck runs in my world these days. Many don’t believe in luck either, believing rather you make your own. I’m kind middle ground on this one. I firmly believe we each have a MUCH greater impact on our lives through outlook & attitude than we can possibly comprehend at any given moment BUT I also believe in luck, or karma, or whatever you want to call it. That’s at least partly why I’ve always tried to help my fellow man whenever I can. I believe what comes around goes around so whenever I can lend someone a hand I do, partly because it makes me feel really good to help someone in need but also hoping that the day I hit rock bottom the scales of the cosmos might remember that sentiment & return the favor.
What I have noticed, both in my life as well as the lives of those I have at least a reasonable insight into is that what I refer to as Murphy just can’t stand to see those scales lean your way or mine these days, he just can’t stand seeing a smiling soul!!! Nearly every time I hear or see somebody enjoying a moment of success, victory, or joy I begin to get a little nervous, wondering when & where the crash is gonna come from? Now I realize that very same negativity can VERY easily become a self fulfilling prophecy so I do REALLY try to keep it low key but events of this year have made it nearly impossible to avoid entirely.
I’ve also mentioned previously having taken the side job partly, if not mostly, to occupy most if not all of my spare time so I can’t spend SOOO much time dwelling on what’s transpired as, here’s Murphy again, that newsreel leans WAY to the negative side as of late. Anyone who’s ever been in management, or anyone who has ever even taken management courses knows when you need to discipline an employee or have bad news to share with your folks you have to turn it into a shiz sandwich, finding something good to slip it in the middle of to somewhat soften the blow & make it more palatable.
Well, Murphy directed, edited & produced my mental newsreel utilizing just the opposite methodology by slipping in just enough happy memories between the shiz to keep you watching the mental train wreck passing by while he sharpens the edge of the next failure to remind you of, making you wonder what went SOOO wrong or even why, not to mention eventually wondering why to even bother trying at all.
I’ve also mentioned that for some reason Sundays always seem to be my worst days for getting down & yesterday I finally figured that pattern out & it’s twofold. First of all, the latest personal failure began late one fateful Saturday evening, culminating throughout the next day SOOO Sundays have a stigma I just haven’t been able to shed. It’s like the anniversary of a loved one’s passing, whenever it comes around it hurts all over again, kind of like Valentine’s day for me…the anniversary of loosing both my mom in ’84 & also somehow totaling the happiness I had found with Sugar Bear this year.
The other side to this double edged blade comes in the fact that even working 8-12 hours on Saturdays & Sundays at the side job, they normally try to save any higher quantity runs for the weekends when I have time to see them through completely myself. During the week I’m only there 3-6 hours a night, after flying my desk job all day, so we focus on the short run orders with just a few pieces whenever possible as the majority of the parts I’ve been working on lately are just too complex to utilize for training the new guys so come the weekends, where I’ve got the longer days to give’em, I end up with the longer running, higher quantity orders so once I get the programming done & machining processes optimized I end up with 5 to 20 minutes cycle times across multiple parts, often yielding that evil idle time on my hands…once again…so here comes Murphy queuing up the newsreel & I can practically feel my soul deflating as the day goes by. I often chat with pals in FB to try & occupy my mind but let’s face it! Most of them have lives LOL! So the movie plays on. I’ve got several pals telling me the same advice over & over. Telling me I have to find my own inner motivation, figure out goals to set or things to do with / by / for myself that generate those soul smiles but that’s just not how I was raised, not how I’m wired. My soul pretty much only smiles when those I care about are happy & especially when I’ve had at least a shred of something to do with that happiness SOOO the newsreel plays on.
Now I see all of this as a good news, bad news sort of deal. At least I’ve recognized this pattern which I see as good news since you can’t fix something that’s broken if you don’t know how or why it’s broken (that’s an ENTIRE newsreel film all it’s own) so recognizing this pattern or problem at least gives the opportunity to address it BUT the bad news is that fixing it involves a re-wiring of my soul which has been a lifetime getting set in it’s ways already. The short term patch is to try & find better ways to occupy my time & mind on weekends, Sundays especially, to keep from letting Murphy run rampant in my psyche but that’s barely a longer term fix than the alcohol which I’ve recently kicked back to the curb as a bad crutch, not to mention a derailleur of my fitness goals as well.
This entire newsreel deal is the cliff’s edge, or dark side, today’s title referred to. As the film played on all day yesterday I SUDDENLY realized that I’m sliding back into that same dead rut I rode in for 10-15 out of 25 years previously.
JRs mom keeps saying she wants to talk things over & make amends but keeps slipping up, saying old familiar crap & pulling the same old stunts now & then, killing any faith I have in the sincerity of any change she speaks of but I also realized that I’m finding myself & my heart slowly becoming calloused to the numbness once again. Slowly forgetting the absolute “joy that was” due to the pain that has followed, beginning to entertain the thoughts of just surviving, getting by, as once again being the way it’s apparently supposed to go & that, my friends, just sucks BUT having somehow crashed that previously mentioned joy, & not even knowing how, makes any hope of anything "better than numb" a VERY distant dream since I’m apparently 2 for 2, pretty much doing the same thing again only this time it was in a matter of months rather than years so the problem I face is…what’s the point of ever trying again? Yes the shared joy was indescribably wonderful but the lows have also been unspeakably saddening so I have to figure out…is numb really that bad? I know it completely & totally sucks compared to the shared joy but conversely…well y'all know how that reel of the film plays out.
Several pals have independently & repeatedly given me the EXACT same advice, saying I absolutely need to just REBOOT; to shut down, making an absolute clean break from everything & everyone involved & try again as if my life is some sick laptop that needs restarted but knowing, as Einstein so eloquently put it, that doing the same thing repeatedly but expecting different results is simply "insanity defined" makes that course of action seem basically hopeless so I just keep trudging on, hoping someday I’ll see some glimmer of hope I can zero in on & begin again to figure out how to keep Friday’s smile on my soul for more than a mere few hours.